Catch My Drift?

Catch My Drift?

Every now and then you can expect my general thoughts or opinion… Well, here it is.

After a recent day out I thought back to the few hours of casting a dry dropper to smaller rising trout. When a fish doesn’t take our fly, we most often resort to changing the fly time and time again until hopefully something works. Sorry to say, but it usually is not your fly choice; it’s your drift! Fishing dry flies, drag is public enemy number one! We may not see it happen, but the trout does. If your fly is close in size and color to the naturals, chances are you’re in the ballpark. The best thing a fly angler can do is add different techniques to his or her bag of tricks. Consider casts such as the parachute or tuck cast, casting from a directly up or downstream position, or over/under powering the cast to curve it around an obstacle. On my last trip out, a direct downstream presentation was key in getting a drag free drift down a seam line. Next time you’re on the water and there are fish rising all around but none look at your fly, try changing your presentation to get that perfect drift!

-Tight Lines, C/C.FF